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Professional Computer Aided maze layout package
"Let us help you get lost."

2025-02-17 09:04:35 EST .

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Maze Creator News

Professional Computer Aided maze layout package
Let us help you get lost.

April 2008


1. PRO 1.60 Release
2. Mouse Gestures
3. STD V 3.62 Released
4. License Certificate
5. Thank you! Offer



Current versions of Maze Creator:

FREE:   V 1.90
HOME:  V 1.90
STD:    V 3.62
PRO:    V 1.60

Maze Creator


mazes, maze puzzles, and desktop publishing software

Maze Creator PRO Ver 1.60

Maze Creator PRO has been released.  There is major productivity tools added to this release.  Mouse gestures have been added to keep you creative rather than hunting through menus.  You can now paste text and images directly into Maze Creator.  Microsoft Word documents can be pasted directly in formatted as an image.  Here are a few of the things that will be included in this release:

  • IMPROVED: Default of START/STOP tools is visible for TILERs and hidden for other styles

  • IMPROVED: Auto fill of START/STOP is visible for TILERs and hidden for other styles

  • IMPROVED: Paste feature, requests clipboard contents in Graphic Layer, auto fills text boxes with text on the clipboard

  • ADDED: Wrap maze Horizontally and Vertically

  • ADDED: Mouse Gestures, command Maze Creator by mouse movements

  • ADDED: Paste graphics into Foreground & Background from Clipboard (DIB, BITMAP, ENHMETAFILE)

  • ADDED: Paste text into Text layer

  • IMPROVED: Maze generation algorithm, closer adherence to generation rules should make more complex mazes

  • IMPROVED: User Interface to help make selections more obvious

  • ADDED: COLOR selection to over-ride the default Maze Creator Color scheme

    • Maze Pen Color

    • Solution

    • Blacken

    • Erased (Only during Design of Template)

    • Start/Stop colors both visible and hidden for design purposes

  • ADDED: Opacity setting for TILER, now supports version TLE 1.50

  • IMPROVED: reduced Text Layer artifacts while deleting text block from layer

  • FIXED: Re-render function works again

  • FIXED: Corrected "CANCEL" behavior in PRO version's Image Settings dialog box

You will need to have an active support contract to download the released version.  If you have an active contract, old expired contract or have yet to purchase one, please read further on in this newsletter for a limited time offer.

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Mouse Gestures
Maze Creator Mouse Gesture animation example, shows how to execute a gestureMaze Creator PRO 1.6, STD 3.6, and HOME 1.95 will support Mouse Gestures.  This is a major productivity improvement.  With a few strokes of the mouse, you can command Maze Creator.  Of course we have expanded the Accelerator Keys as well.  Hold down the [CTRL] key and Left Mouse Button to form a stroke.  You can also TAP the SPACE key to have the next left mouse button down read as a gesture.  You can view the full set of mouse gestures and strokes and the updated accelerator key commands.


Maze Creator Home Page

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Maze Creator STD Ver 3.62

Good new, Maze Creator STD V 3.62 is ready for download.  Be sure to update if you have 3.60 or 3.61 as a few annoying bugs have been corrected.  Here are a few of the things that will be included in this release:

  • ADDED: Mouse Gestures, command Maze Creator by mouse movements
  • ADDED: Wrap maze Horizontally and Vertically
  • ADDED: Paste graphics into Foreground & Background from Clipboard (DIB, BITMAP, ENHMETAFILE)
  • ADDED: Paste text into Text layer
  • ADDED: Opacity setting for TILER, now supports version TLE 1.50
  • FIXED: Compatibility of new Tiler format, some Tilers may no longer be available
  • FIXED: Color for Start/Stop and solutions were BLACK, they are now their proper standard color
  • IMPROVED: Default of START/STOP tools is visible for TILERs and hidden for other styles
  • IMPROVED: Auto fill of START/STOP is visible for TILERs and hidden for other styles
  • IMPROVED: Paste feature, requests clipboard contents in Graphic Layer, auto fills text boxes with text on the clipboard
  • IMPROVED: Text Layer artifacts while deleting text block from layer
  • IMPROVED: Maze generation algorithm, closer adherence to generation rules should make more complex mazes
  • IMPROVED: User Interface to help make selections more obvious

Maze Creator Home Page

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Maze Creator PRO License Certificate example

License Certificate

You can now get a License Certificate for your Maze Creator PRO software.  This will be released for HOME and STD shortly.  To get your license certificate, go to the Maze Creator PRO download page and enter your email address and pickup code.  On the next page you can click on the certificate image to download your certificate in PDF format.

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Maze Creator PRO Thank You License Certificate

Thank you! Offer

As a reward for your early support of the Maze Creator PRO product as well as being a loyal reader of the Maze Creator Newsletters, we are offering you a Life Time Support Contract.  This will entitle you to free upgrades of Maze Creator PRO.  To take advantage of this offer, you must have purchased Maze Creator PRO and a support contract for at least one year.  If you have not purchased Maze Creator PRO or a support contract, you may still do so and take advantage of this offer.  This offer expires on May 31st, 2008.  Current support contracts will automatically upgraded to a lifetime membership.  You need to FAX this form to (866) 829-0051, scan this form or send an email to with the same information.  If your purchase was before 2005, you will need to supply proof of purchase.  If you don’t get a confirmation and certificate within 1 week of submitting this form, please follow-up to make sure your Offer was received.  Please print clearly.  GET THE FORM HERE.

Technical Supportt

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