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Webrings Lee Daniel

Autobiography of Author
Lee Daniel Quinn
(Author of many Maze books)

     I was married in 1955 to my current Britbride, Margaret. We have 3 children: Victoria Royle (Bonkey), Candlish, Conrad Michael Quinn, and Mary Elizabeth (MB) Goldberg.

     We Quinn's have 4 grandchildren: Michael (from Conrad), Zoe (from Bonkey) and Alyssa & Brittany (from MB). Victoria married an Englishman so the Queen's books are balanced as she lives there today.

     I was born in The Bronx, NY in 1929 and lived there in my teens. Margaret, was born in Bess o' th' Barn, a suburb of Manchester (England) and lived at home until enlisting in the Wrens -- the woman's British naval arm.

     I grew up in a very "mixed bag" of teenagers who had one thing to link them -- they were all what today would be called "nerds."  We were all into High School chemistry and physics and all worked and hung out at a bicycle rental and general fixit shop called "Fuller's" where we were into all sorts of nerdy pranks. We had, Irish, Italian, Jewish, German, Black, kids -- growing up with this group provided me with a lifelong ability to get along with all sorts of people.

     Going to work out of High School, I worked for the New York Central Railroad in the passenger department.  The last place was the ticket windows in Grand Central Terminal where I met Margaret, sold her a ticket and lost my heart to her after a 3-year international courtship.

     There followed a series of transportation-related jobs, such as United Airlines as reservation agent and ticket agent; various retail travel agents (in New York, Detroit, and Indianapolis); wholesale travel suppliers in New York; and for a travel club where I was the direct mail manager.
     Margaret and I opened a home-based typesetting business in New Jersey and this occupied both of us for about 20 years.  We set type for Rutgers University publications and other local organizations.  Working with a computer programmer, I designed an early typesetting program which we sold. I edited and published a local newspaper for about five years.  I also offered his services as a communications consultant to small businesses in the area.

     On weekends I sold my non-objective art at various malls in the area, winning a prize at the big Greenwich Village (NYC) art show. Because I used to do pen and ink doodles, a local bookstore owner asked me to produce and publish a book of mazes which were popular at the time. This lead -- over 20 years -- to producing a dozen complex maze books, most of which were published by Dover Press and are still in print.
     Over the years, with my love of words, I began to collect odd definitions of ordinary words which I wove into a 142 page book containing 5,000+ of these definitions. Because I didn't have the citations for each item, I could not publish Quinn's Devious Dictionary, so I give it away for a $25 donation.
      I also acted as campaign coordinator for a local Democratic organization, climaxing in his election as mayor for our community.
     When the typesetting business slowed down, I was asked to join the local municipal government as communications coordinator. I held this position for 4 years, during which time I set up the municipal cable television station.

     After the mayor declined to run for a second term, I was asked by the County government to come in and be a part of a team which set up a 2.5 million dollar Fire Academy.  After 10 years I retired because there was so little to do.

     We are in our 46th year of marriage and I credit this to the fact that Margaret still laughs at my jokes. After I retired, I went crazy out of boredom for a while. That is until I discovered conversing with other emailers. I established the two daily e-columns and that saved my mind.  In the meantime I had a slight stroke that left me with a shaking hand, but not for typing -- just writing. Then I developed an intestinal condition that keeps me close to home -- but not isolated.  I am also the doyen of a words discussion group called ABOUT-WORDS.

    All together, I'm quite addicted to the computer -- but quite happy.

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