Maze Creator Puzzle Software Web Site


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Professional Computer Aided maze layout package
"Let us help you get lost."

2025-01-13 16:16:49 EST .

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Maze Creator News

Computer aided maze layout package.
Let us help you get lost.

Dec 2006


1. Maze Creator Moved
2. Features explained
3. 3D Mazes?
4. Under Development
5. Missing files from
       Software Install
6. 85% off maze Hosting



New versions of Maze Creator released on 9/30/2006.

FREE:   V 1.90
HOME:  V 1.90
STD:    V 3.50
PRO:    V 1.50

Maze Creator


mazes, maze puzzles, and desktop publishing software

Maze Creator Has Moved!

We would like to apologize for the intermittent down-time of the Maze Creator website.  We had been hosted for a long time with as an ASP website.  Over the last 2 weeks, Infinology has had server outages for about 75% of that time.  No customer support either.  We had no choice but to rush translation of the site into PHP and host it under our own Hosting Services (  We were hoping to slowly convert to PHP and test the site before going live so there may be some bumps...

We are fully moved into our new server, but please bare with us as we fully debug the site.  Report any unexpected results or errors you get to so it can get fixed.

Also note, we have lost the FORUM information and we will build it up again with relevant information for the latest versions of Maze Creator.  You will need to get a new login/password as well (sorry).  The new forum can be found at:

So far the new hosting and forums appear to better handle our growth.

Maze Creator Home Page

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 Major new features explained...

MZE Ver 2.0: This new version of Maze Creator Save file will allow you to save not only your template (like in the earlier version), but all the text and graphics as well.  This is a major step in moving towards a self contained and highly productive application.  The gallery will now include these graphic and text enhancements.  Don't worry, your old MZE files will remain compatible with this new release.

TILER Gallery: Now you can easily get new TILERs to enhance your creativity.  Check periodically to see if you have all the newly released TILERs.  Contact to add your own theme/custom TILER for others to use.  You will get credit and a link to your site!

Multi-Print/Export: Maze Creator will now creates multiple solutions for the same maze template.  When you Print or Export (PRO version only), you can select the number of unique copies of the maze you would like to produce.  Maze Creator will then do the leg-work for you to create these alternate solutions.  This save you time, yet another productivity tool build into the Maze Creator line.  There is a practical limit of 999 mazes, so if you need a thousand or more, you might need to run it twice.

Maze Creator Version Comparison

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3D Maze rendering under development

3D Mazes?

We have been working with 3D lately.  Many people have asked about this form of rendering.  If you have ideas that you would like to see after looking at this sneak peek, please email us ASAP!

Most of the professional users have been asking for this feature for Ad copy, box shot, and illustration usage.  We will give you more samples as well perfect the rendering.

Larger view of this image.

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development of maze and mazes

Under Development....

Maze Creator development is always looking for your ideas.  We have some we are working on in the background, but would love to hear your ideas.  Please let us know what you would like to see added in the future.

Also, Maze Creator could use your help in future projects to perfect the Maze Creator line.  We are looking for technical writers, educators, graphic artists, various designers.  If you are interested in trading your services for a life-time of gratitude and credit on the world leader in Maze Creation, please contact us at with your skills and we will let you know what we might have available.  Some tasks we can pay a small fee in exchange for services.

Technical Support

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Missing files from maze software Install

Missing files from Software Install

With the latest releases; Maze Creator STD and HOME did not include the ClipArt that is normally bundled with the application.  This was an oversight and will be corrected in future releases.  For the time being, please download them from the Maze Creator Download Extras page and unzip them into your installation directory.  This should create a subfolder "ClipArt" with the BMP and GIF versions of the arrows.


Maze Creator Download Extras

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website hosting, maze creator site hosting

Maze & Puzzle web hosting special

Maze Creator would like to encourage other Maze and Puzzle related sites for public and educational purposes.  We have created a very stable business hosting service including daily backups and Fantastico to simplify your site setup and 3rd part installations.  There are many other powerful features built into this hosting service. 

Our service is so stable, you are likely to only need our help to get started.  Bring your qualifying site and save up to 85% off of our regular rates.  Contact with details of your site and we will let you know if you qualify for these rates.  This is a limited time offer as well have limited packages available at these rates.  

Maze Creator Hosting save up-to 85%

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This newsletter is written and distributed by Maze Creator.
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