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News & Information / Maze Creator HOME V 1.96 Released
« Last post by Maze Creator on August 30, 2009, 09:26:46 PM »
This is a free upgrade for all Maze Creator HOME users.

New in 1.96:

ADDED: Multi-Level UNDO Buffer for Template/Graphics/Text layer updates
ADDED: UNDO Keyboard shortcut (CTRL-Z) and Mouse Gesture "Down-Right&quot
IMPROVED: Drawing/Painting with left button down and moving the cursor
ADDED: Windows 7/VISTA Support
FIXED: Default Background will not disappear when you add your own text/graphics
FIXED: Large page sizes are now supported
FIXED: High Resolution Printer Drivers should be supported in their own format
News & Information / Maze Creator STD V 3.64B1 Released
« Last post by Maze Creator on August 30, 2009, 09:25:17 PM »
This is a free upgrade to all Maze Creator STD V3.x users.

New in 3.64B1:

ADDED: Multi-Level UNDO Buffer for Template/Graphics/Text layer updates
ADDED: UNDO Keyboard shortcut (CTRL-Z) and Mouse Gesture "Down-Right&quot
IMPROVED: Drawing/Painting with left button down and moving the cursor
ADDED: Windows 7/VISTA Support
FIXED: Default Background will not disappear when you add your own text/graphics
FIXED: Large page sizes are now supported
FIXED: High Resolution Printer Drivers should be supported in their own format
FIXED: BMP Export is limited by GDI, causing problems with large image sizes
UPDATED: Image Filename will have an underscore "_" added between the image name and image number
Bug Report / Re: Install bug
« Last post by qlf2007 on August 29, 2009, 12:11:13 PM »
Thank you, my issue was ended after deleted some files.
Bug Report / Re: Install bug
« Last post by Maze Creator on August 28, 2009, 10:20:13 PM »

A look on InstallShields site doesn't lend good hope.  It is going to take me some time to see what I can find as a solution.  One statement implies that the latest version I have updated (a few days ago) which is V3.64B1 may install over the current version.

Come to find out, there is an installation cache and some bugs in the Installshield application still refer back to that even after a full uninstallation.

Please try the latest version, you download it in the same location as you got V3.63.

-Maze Creator
Bug Report / Install bug
« Last post by qlf2007 on August 28, 2009, 03:51:22 AM »
When I'm installing MC STD 3.63 on my computer, it always says: Internal Error 2711.Documents

How can I install this software properly?

Clue: It says error when the installer calculating the space reqired.

I had install old version(MC STD 3.5) on my computer before, but I uninstall it properly. ???
Bug Report / Re: Printing multiple page maze
« Last post by Maze Creator on August 27, 2009, 03:37:33 PM »
Hi Bud,

Maze Creator PRO 1.70Beta1 will be out later this week.  We expect larger image sizes to be supported.  There will still be an upper limit but should be much better that the current version you are running.

-Maze Creator
Bug Report / Re: Default Background issue in MC STD 3.63
« Last post by Maze Creator on August 27, 2009, 03:33:59 PM »
This problem has been fixed in Maze Creator STD 3.64.

-Maze Creator
Software Support / Re: help to change background
« Last post by Maze Creator on August 27, 2009, 03:31:53 PM »
Maze Creator STD v3.64 is available for download that should fix this problem.

-Maze Creator
News / Maze Creator STD 3.64B1 Released
« Last post by Maze Creator on August 27, 2009, 03:25:56 PM »
Hi All,

We have put up the BETA version of Maze Creator STD 3.64 for download.

This version contains the new UNDO feature and should work nicer with Windows 7 & VISTA.  It has been testing on Windows 7 32 & 64 Bit and works fine.  For VISTA, we didn't have a 64 Bit for testing, but the 32 Bit version worked with no problems.  The default background issue should be fixed as well, once you add your own graphic of text the background will disappear.

You will also see a few new tilers buried in this release.  They will be up for download through the gallery shortly.

-Maze Creator
Bug Report / Default Background issue in MC STD 3.63
« Last post by Maze Creator on August 22, 2009, 02:13:59 PM »
The default Maze Creator background splash does not go away when you add a graphic or text to the maze design.  The intent is for this to go away, it will be corrected in the next version of Maze Creator STD.

-Maze Creator
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